Prepare Your College Student’s Car Before They Leave

August 3rd, 2017 by

It’s almost that time…time for your college student to pack up their belongings and head towards their future: college. Besides all of their clothes, dorm items, food, and other belongings, what should you pack in the car for those “just-in-case” vehicle moments?

  • Jumper Cables – You never know when you accidentally left your lights on or the door wasn’t quite shut all the way. By having jumper cables readily available your student will find themselves in less of a panic.
  • Spare Tire and Inflation Kit – When you get a flat tire your heart sinks. Now what? If your student has a flat tire they can at least attempt to fix it themselves, but only if they have something to replace it with.
  • Extra Money – The time that is wasted by searching for hidden spare change is outrageously high. Don’t let this happen to your college student. Place some spare change, and maybe even some emergency cash, in a safe place. You never know when they will need change for parking or toll booths, but it’s best to be prepared.
  • Current Inspection and Up-To-Date Oil Change – Before you wave goodbye you’ll want to make sure that your college student’s car is mechanically ready to go. When was the last time the oil was changed? Is the inspection current? Are there any warning lights on the dash? How do the other fluids and the windshield look? If any of these have issues make sure to bring it by the garage before your student heads down the road.

If you have any questions about where to purchase any of these items, or if you know of some routine maintenance that needs to be performed, feel free to contact us, at Jim Ellis Volkswagen of Chamblee, and let us schedule your next service appointment. You can also schedule your appointment online if you’d like.

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